Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Crisis Service

This drug service offers the services of a Needle Exchange. Click here to view the 5 nearest needle exchanges to this one.

Service Details Service Information
Service name Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Crisis Service
Address 80 Tradeston Street
Town Glasgow
Postcode G5 8BG
Telephone number 0141 420 6969
Fax number 0141 274 2353
Health board area Greater Glasgow And Clyde
Local authority area Glasgow City
Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) area Glasgow City
Catchment Area Greater Glasgow
Type of service Voluntary
Nature of service Residential/In-Patient
Referrals Self Referral
Client access (please select all that apply) 18+, Non-gender specific, Couples
Service Access  
Opening days and times Monday: 24 hours
Tuesday: 24 hours
Wednesday: 24 hours
Thursday: 24 hours
Friday: 24 hours
Saturday: 24 hours
Sunday: 24 hours
Service access No Appointment Required
Substances treated/targeted  
Substances treated/targeted? Yes
Selected substances treated/targeted Heroin, Dihydrocodeine or other Opiates/Opioids, Cocaine, Amphetamine or other Stimulants, Cannabis or Synthetic Cannabinoids, Diazepam (Valium) or other Benzodiazpeines, MDMA/Ecstasy or other Empathogens, Ketamine, Methoxetamine or other Dissociatives, LSD and other Psychedelics, Solvents/volatile substances, Prescription medication, Over the counter medication
Advice and information Yes
Detoxification as part of the service Yes
Detoxification options In-Patient/In-House Detox
Prescribing service  
Prescribing Yes
Prescribing options As part of the service, Methadone, Buprenorphine, Naloxone, Benzodiazepine
Rehabilitation and other services  
Rehabilitation and other services provided Access to supported accomodation, Advocacy, Alternate therapies e.g. acudetox, Structured day programme, Stalls at exhibitions/seminars
Residential support Yes
Residential support options Crisis intervention/support, In-patient/In-house detox
Needle Exchange  
Needle exchange Yes
Opening days/times Monday: 24 hours
Tuesday: 24 hours
Wednesday: 24 hours
Thursday: 24 hours
Friday: 24 hours
Saturday: 24 hours
Sunday: 24 hours
Needle exchange services Citric acid, Water for injecting, Sterile spoons, Filters, Needles/syringes packs, Needles/syringe selection system, Specific Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs kits, Foil, Pre-injection swabs, Condoms, Lubricants
Do you provide additional services? Yes
Needle exchange additional services Facility for the return of used equipment
Do you provide specific clinic for clients who use Specific Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs (IPEDS)? Yes
If yes, please specify IPEDS clinic opening days/times Monday: closed
Tuesday: 6.00pm - 10.00pm
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: closed
Friday: closed
Saturday: closed
Sunday: closed
Information services Yes
Information resources available HIV, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Safer Injecting, Wound Care
Face to face advice services Yes
Face to face advice topics HIV, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Safer Injecting, Wound Care, IPEDS, Demonstration of paraphenalia use, Demonstration of safer injection practise
HIV and hepatitis services  
HIV and hepatitis Yes
HIV and hepatitis options HIV Testing, Hepatitis A Testing, Hepatitis B Testing, Hepatitis C Testing
Naloxone services  
Naxalone training Yes
Training provision Overdose Training, Naloxone Training
Naloxone supply First supply of Naloxone kits, Re-supply Naloxone kits following use, Facility for the return of used Naloxone kits
Further information Can offer advice via